Synch Market Report: Estonia

Europe in Synch starts to conduct a series of market reports, specifically looking at the countries situation in the synch field. We are diving deep into each markets legal framework, capabilities, competition and “unwritten laws” in the creative sector. This way we can learn more about the differences between european markets and also create a more basic understanding of the what, how and where in every territory.


The study was lead by Europe in Synch partner SIGIC and conducted by Virgo Sillamaa and Alice Kattago.

The report has benefited from information and insights from many professionals and experts. The authors would like to thank Mati Kaalep (EAÜ), Marek Tihhonov (EAÜ), Rauno Haabmets (EFÜ), Urmas Ambur (EEL), Eveli Raja (EFI), Kaspar Kaljas, Külli Loo (DuoMedia), Jari-Pekka Kaleva (EGDF), and Konsta Klemetti. This report was created as part of the “Europe in Synch” project, co-funded by the European Commission.

It is available for free as a download. Feel free to spread the word about it: Europe in Synch Report : Estonia. We’re happy to hear your feedback through

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