Inaugural “Act in Synch” Summit in Berlin

Act in Synch - The Courage Class of 2023Earlier this month, we gathered stakeholders and interest groups from surrounding industries to address climate change and ACT IN SYNCH. During this initial two-day event in Berlin, we discussed how the topic not only affects us all, but connects us, and asks us to collectively find innovative ways through which culture can inspire and drive a more sustainable future.

With culture as a catalyst and music as a carrier, we all agreed, there is much potential for positive change. Environmental groups, film, advertising and music industries together can and should be loudspeakers for the cause. So this incredibly inspiring event was only the beginning: Act in Synch will return in 2024; and meanwhile will be presenting ideas and actionplans deriving from it. Watch this space for more and subscribe to our newsletter to follow us closely and participate!

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