Europe in Synch is taking on climate change and calls to ‘Act in Synch’

Act in Synch Berlin EditionEurope in Synch hosts an inaugural event in Berlin (Sep 11-12, 2023)

With most of you and us back from their well deserved summer breaks, Europe in Synch starts in its second year with a new event in Berlin: Act in Synch.

In our role as a knowledge broker and networking organisation, we bring stakeholders and interest groups from across industries together to address climate change and to act in synch. Our mission with this event is to create an influential community in our Synch landscape and beyond, that communicates collectively about our relationship and attitude towards the planet’s wellbeing and the choices we make as individuals, to raise awareness, and raise money for the cause eventually.

Can music change the world?

Our aim is to make use of the incredible power that music and culture as the ultimate emotional and powerful connection and communication tool could have. In our two-day format, we will discuss with industry leaders and experts, how and where there is a way to positively influence such a huge task, how to take on the challenge of a seemingly overwhelming problem. We are the creative industries, after all.

Jointly, we want to build leverage and not only show, but lead the way to contribute an invaluable part in the bigger mission.

The Berlin Edition of Act in Synch (Sep 11-12, 2023) is the kick-off, a first gathering over two days of result-oriented in-depth conversations. This time around, it is meant to be an invite only event to lay foundation to eventual forthcoming activities in the field. Acknowledging that climate change not only affects everyone, but that all of us are part of the problem, too.

Elaborated guests inlcude activist organisations that are actively helping businesses (and beyond) to transform into a greener age, i.e. Earth Percent, Tailwind, Climate Farmers, Nayture, Sustain Matters and United Nations Sounds Right Programme. They will come together with high profile representatives from the Synch side of life, including Cindy Kramer (BMG UK, Creative Director) Lisa Humann (BMG, Head of Creative Sync), Lucy James (Warp Records, Creative Director Licensing); but also with students, musicians and people from other industries that have been actively leading the way, like Copenhagens Fashion Week.

So what can we learn from each other and how we can we also help each other to force our respective industries to act in synch? Stay tuned for our forthcoming report from this event, and, meanwhile, follow our activities here: Website | Instagram.


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